Hi, We're Lisa & Munira, The Tummy Tuck Rehab Team!
Our mission is to change the entire conversation around tummy tucks by educating and empowering women throughout the decision making and recovery process. We will help you learn what to expect in your recovery and support you with guided programs for post-op core rehab and returning to the fitness routines you love.

Access our Free Tummy Tuck Resources

The Researching Phase
Can't Decide on a Surgeon?
We always recommend going on multiple consultations to gain multiple opinions about your case. This free PDF guide covers our top questions to ask during your consultations to find the right surgeon for YOU.

The Pre-Op Phase
Scheduled for a Tummy Tuck?
Being scheduled for an upcoming tummy tuck can be nerve-wracking! This PDF guide sheds light on our top questions to ask during your Pre-Op appointment to be more informed about the surgery and what to expect afterwards.

The Post-Op Phase
Had a Tummy Tuck?
Surgeons vary considerably in their post-op recommendations and protocols. This PDF guide lists our top questions to ask during your post-op appointments to help you gain more clarity in the recovery process.

We believe that women undergoing the tummy tuck procedure deserve access to dependable information that can help them mentally, emotionally, and physically prepare for the surgery and recover afterwards. We often hear from women that, even at the 6-month post-op mark, they’re still not sure if their recovery is going as it should...
Getting a Tummy Tuck can be Life Changing...
Yet the mental, emotional, and physical toll leading up to the surgery and afterwards can be immense. Moms often have too much on their plates and too little time to do countless hours of research on how to best prepare for and recover from the surgery. Also, quality information on how to rehab the core post-surgery and how to return to exercising again is sparse, leaving tummy tuck moms wondering if they are doing any harm or if what they are feeling is normal. Our resources and programs aim improve that.