Are you a Rehab or Fitness Professional Who Helps People with Diastasis?
The number of people opting for a surgical repair of diastasis is going up, yet most are not sent to a rehab or fitness professional afterwards, even though it is a major surgery that directly affects the muscles and tissues of the abdomen.
Why is this a problem? Because most people don't know there are professionals out there that can help them! Another issue is that even if these patients do seek help, many professionals don't feel like they have the skills or knowledge to help this population. When patients aren't getting the help they need, and when professionals don't feel fully equipped to help them, it perpetuates misconception that people getting this surgery don't need help, or wouldn't benefit from any form of rehabilitation afterwards.
This isn't true for a knee, hip, or shoulder surgery, and it most definitely isn't true for this MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY either!
Learn how to fully support your clients through their tummy tuck journeys!

Gain confidence in helping post-op individuals in their physical recovery
Understand the full impact this surgery has on them emotionally and mentally
Understand how to tailor your exercise programs based on the surgeon's guidelines
Become a trusted leader in your community for helping those who have undergone the procedure

"I’m an orthopedic pelvic floor PT and own a mobile PT practice. I had never worked with anyone considering this surgery prior to this course, but the course opened my eyes to the fact that this population needs help and guidance- and we are the perfect people to help them through this time. I loved the videos about the differences in surgical procedures and I loved walking through the case example with you during her sessions, because you were able to really see the emotion and difficulties mentally she experienced- I think those conversations and hearing how you answered her questions was very important. From a rating of 1-5 stars, I give this course 5!" K.J

"I work in an out patient pelvic health clinic. Prior to taking this course, I didn't know where to start post-op patients with their rehab! Now I am feeling more confident about surgical intervention and how to progress my patients! I also feel more confidence now in addressing DRA/tummy tuck concerns and rehab goals, in general. It was a very thorough and very well-paced course. I am recommending it to all of my pelvic health cohorts! Again, it was well-paced and provided great information!" M.R
Here's What You'll Get...
The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab Course for Professionals is broken down into 6 training modules. Each module covers special topics that are broken down into absorbable lessons. That way, you can build your knowledge while being able to retain important concepts!
Module 1
Tummy Tucks: What You Need to Know
Unless you've worked a lot with this population, its common to not be aware of the differences in how this surgery is performed (materials and techniques), which can drastically affect a client’s recovery guidelines. Having a broad understanding of what this surgery entails will enable you to fully support your client, regardless of surgical approach.
In this Module:
- Learn about the different types of surgical repair for diastasis including varying suturing techniques
- Learn what the research says about use of mesh for this procedure
- Learn when and why someone may decide to get the surgery

Module 2
Psychosocial Considerations
It can be rare for surgery seekers to have conversations surrounding this operation because they may be carrying a lot of shame and guilt. As professionals, it's important to know what your clients are struggling so you can set them up for a drastically different tummy tuck experience.
In this Module:
- Learn how diastasis can affect one's sense of self-expression and identity and how we can support individuals through that
- Learn what aspects of self-expression and identity change post-op, both positively and negatively
- Learn 7 of the most common myths and misconceptions about the people seeking surgery for their diastasis

Module 3
The Consult Phase
It is very common for people to go with the first surgeon they meet with. Many times, this can be because they don't know what to ask the surgeons or what to expect in the consultations. However, picking the wrong surgeon can be devastating. This is where you can help them!
In this Module:
- Learn how to help your clients find the right surgeon for them. With so many surgeons to choose from, this isn't always an easy task!
- Learn how to educate your clients on what to expect inside of the consultations
- Learn to help your clients understand the entire surgical journey, from the first consultation to being on the other side

Module 4
The Pre-Op Phase
Once the surgery is booked, clients then enter "The Pre-Op Phase." This is when they may be feeling excited AND stressed out at the same time. This is because they may not know how to prepare for the surgery and how to recover from the surgery.
In this Module:
- Discover how to help clients prepare their home for the surgery with equipment recommendations
- Learn how to help them anticipate what the kind of, and amount of support they will need afterwards
- Learn strategies for easing the mental and emotional difficulties of recovery

Module 5
The Post-Op Phase
As professionals, you can make a difference in your client's healing journey by helping them understand when to push forwards or when to slow down more. Being able to provide guidance in an individualized manner for their needs and goals will help them progress faster and feel more positive about the whole process.
In this Module:
- Learn how we can apply principles of rehabilitation and exercise physiology to build post-op core rebuilding programs that can be customized to any person
- Learn the types of exercises that might be appropriate for each stage of recovery, from the early days post-op to their return to fitness
- Learn which signs and symptoms to watch out for and how to navigate them (and which would warrant a call to the surgeon)

Module 6
Returning to Fitness Post-Tummy Tuck
It can be hard to gain the trust and connection with fitness enthusiasts and higher level athletes when you don’t speak their language. By going through this Module, you’ll be able to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts who have had the surgery at a deeper level.
In this Module:
- Learn tips on how to create a return-to-fitness plan for high-level athletes
- Learn how to help those who have a fear of movement that is hindering their return to fitness
- Learn how to navigate the surgeon's guidelines on cardio and lifting restrictions

Help Your Clients Find Strength in their Recovery
The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab course for professionals is your go-to guide for understanding the physical and emotional complexities of the tummy tuck surgery so you can feel confident in supporting your clients as they embark on this life-changing journey!

Plus, You'll Also Receive These Special Bonuses
Bonus 1: Full and Free Access to the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab for Post-Op Individuals
Once enrolling in this course for professionals, you'll have access to the signature Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program. This program demonstrates all the exercises that you can do with your clients at each stage of recovery. Now that you'll have lifetime access to it, you can review the exercise demonstrations anytime you need!  ($247 value)

Bonus 2: Tummy Tuck Case Study Video Series
Inside of the course, you will have access to a video series of a real client who has had a tummy tuck as she makes her way through the Core Rehab program. This is as close as you can get to understanding what recovery is like without having experienced it yourself! ($197 Value)

Bonus 3: Permission to Use All Exercise Handouts in the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab Program
By enrolling in the course, you will now have access to all the exercise handouts in the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program AND you will be able to share them with your clients so they can stay consistent in the program! The ability to duplicate and share these handouts with your clients is only available to those who have signed up for the professional course. ($347 Value)

Surgeons aren't trained in rehabilitation and fitness, and rehab and fitness professionals are not trained in surgery!
So it's important that we as rehab and fitness professionals have a solid grasp on this surgery since surgeons may not be able to guide their patients through the core recovery and return-to-fitness process. Nor do they have the time to do this. By working with a professional who has taken the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab course, patients can get the help they need with post-op core rebuilding and they don’t have to do it alone. This will not only help each individual client and build up your business but also will slowly spread the idea that this type of support is available.

"I’m a physio specializing in pre and postpartum care. I haven’t had any post-op patients yet but I’m mad about the topic of diastasis, so I definitely want to contact surgeons in the future! Before this course, I was lacking knowledge in diastasis surgery but I have learned so much about the surgical procedure, timelines for healing and timelines for rehab. I am feeling much more confident if a patient walks in now. The whole course was great! It’s a super « niche » course, but all of it was good!. So thank you!" A.K

"I'm a personal trainer and massage therapist, specializing in pre/postnatal rehab training. Most of my clients do not really understand the post-op healing /rehab process. I also don't think their doctors gave them a clear rehab plan after the surgery. After taking this course I feel much more confident supporting my clients in this process and have a much better understanding of it. The course was a good balance between information and exercises and I think any personal trainer, physiotherapist that's working with clients who are thinking of doing surgery should take it!" T.L
Here's a Review of What You'll Get When You Enroll...


Meet Your Course Instructors

Lisa Ryan, CF-L2, P&PA Coach
Navigating my Diastasis Recti (DR) was quite the journey as I went from being clueless to fearful to empowered. I spent years rehabbing, strengthening, and breaking down barriers and myths surrounding DR. I got to a point where I finally felt really strong in the gym, and I loved what my body could do; but I did not like how it looked. I knew I didn’t want a severely protruding belly for the rest of my life, and I had concerns about what might happen to my very thinned tissues as I grew older. Ultimately, I decided to get a tummy tuck in April of 2019.
At each stage of my tummy tuck recovery, I was constantly blown away thinking about how most women didn’t have the post-op help with rehab like I did. Every time I met with my physical therapist, I ended the session by saying “I cannot believe it isn’t commonplace for women to get this type of support. I don’t know what I would do without it!”
Even with all of my knowledge & experience as a former competitive CrossFit athlete, CF-L2, & P&PA coach; I still felt like I couldn’t navigate the mental and physical recovery from the tummy tuck on my own. I made a conscious decision that as soon as I was through with my own post-op rehab, that I will make sure that this didn't end with me, that every woman is offered this type of support!
Now that I've gone through my own rehab and am back to my previous fitness routines, I'm on a mission to help as many moms around the world get back to their fitness routines as well!
Munira Hudani, MScPT
When I first started working with moms with DR about 10 years ago, it was a time when moms didn’t have access to information about the condition or the resources that could help guide them through the rehab and strengthening process. Even professionals knew very little about the condition, which is why so many moms were left wondering if there was something wrong with their bodies or if they could have done anything to prevent what they were going through.
Needles to say, a lot has changed! With the dedication and hard work of many professionals around the world, including myself, we passionately spread awareness about DR for both moms and professionals alike, including courses and programs to up-level their knowledge.
While it’s still an ongoing process, there is much more information and help available to anyone with DR who needs it.
Yet, the struggles that many women previously faced with DR, in terms of access to information and resources, in many ways, are the same struggles that patients undergoing a tummy tuck currently face after getting the procedure. The surgery is terrifying for a lot of people, and some find it even more terrifying to get back to using their core and exercising. But it doesn't have to be this way!
This is why I am so passionate. I know that they need and deserve much more help and I know that if such a drastic shift was possible for the world of diastasis, then it is possible for the world of tummy tucks as well!
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a world where women no longer feel stigmatized, isolated, afraid and anxious about the tummy tuck recovery process. We want all women getting the surgery to feel supported and well-informed. We are also striving for a world where surgeons and fitness/rehab professionals work together to help patients get back to doing what they love.

Designed by a Physiotherapist AND Fitness Professional
With input from both professionals, the program seamlessly bridges the gap between what is needed in the early stages of recovery AND how to get back to high level core fitness!

Created by Someone who has Gone Through the Whole Tummy Tuck Process
This has led to the creation of an extremely well thought out program that understands what you need in your recovery, at a deeper level.

Online Learning
Conveniently learn in chunks of time that fit into your busy schedule. No need to travel to learn, no need to take time off work, no need to wake up early or stay up late because of different time zones
It's Just as Important to Know How to Help Your Clients After the Surgery as it is Before the Surgery
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this approved for CECs?
Do you go through post-op lymph drainage techniques and scar massage techniques?
How long do I have to go through the material?
Will I be able to share the exercise handouts with my clients?
After such a major surgery and huge financial price tag, clients may feel afraid to do anything with their cores since they don't want to ruin the surgery.
On the other hand, some clients might want to get back to exercise too quickly once they are cleared. With the information in this course, you now have the power to meet your clients where they are at. Having the right support from you will allow them to progress much faster than if they were doing it alone, avoiding movement or doing too much too soon.